Thursday, September 9, 2010

A New Season and A New Start

I've never been a sun worshipper.  Which is odd since I was born in August, making me a Leo ruled by the sun and fire.  If you follow astrology you'd think that I would be basking in the heat of the dog days of summer.  But no, I start counting the days until the first frost along about the end of June. 

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  I love just about everything about it... the cool air carrying the smell of burning leaves; smoke rising from chimnies; wet ground covered in red, yellow and orange leaves; hay rolls and grain corn left in the fields to dry; pumpkins on doorsteps and in pies in my oven; acorns falling from old oak trees and squirrels scurring to stash them away. 

Autumn ushers in a sense of nostalgia with its celebrations of Halloween and Thanksgiving; then we're quickly onto Christmas.  Its the season for long walks in frosty air, comfort food shared with family and friends, and remembering holidays gone bye as we pull on sweaters and thick socks.

So thanks, but "No Thanks."  You can keep the long, hot and humid days of summer with its scortching white-hot sun.  I'll take the crisp, cool days of autumn and a bright orange harvest moon. 

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it better!
    Thanks for your kind words left for me Susan.
    I am wishing you the best this season and I will continue to follow and check in with you.
